St Aidan's Community School

Back on Track

NCSE Behaviour for Learning Programme.
We are delighted to be one of 70 schools providing NBSS Level 2 & Level 3 Targeted and Individualised Support.

Students who are offered NBSS Level 3 support may present with a variety of challenging behaviours, including social skills deficits; low self-esteem; difficult relationships with adults/peers and poor concentration and attention difficulties in most subjects.

Many of the students are also persistently at risk of suspension and/or expulsion. The severity of their behaviour in classrooms not only hinders their own educational progress but may also impede that of their peers.

Level 3: intensive individualised support is provided to students in NBSS partner schools:
  • By Behaviour for Learning Programme Teacher(s).
  • By various school personnel in partnership with NBSS team members.

The Behaviour for Learning Programme aims to explore ways in which an individual teacher, allocated with 22 hours per week, can develop a school ‘Behaviour for Learning Programme’ specifically targeted at students in need of intensive individualised intervention (NBSS Level 3).

Additionally, the Behaviour for Learning Programme teacher facilitates the planning, implementation and evaluation of effective responses to challenging behaviour at small group/class and/or year group level i.e. Level 2: targeted support for some students.

The teacher works with identified students, individually or in groups on Behaviour for Learning programmes that are designed to meet their social, emotional, wellbeing and behavioural and academic needs, so they can achieve and succeed in school.

An individual Student Behaviour Plan is developed for each student in receipt of Level 3 support.

Rather than responding after young people present with chronic behaviours (‘a wait to fail’ intervention model), a school's ‘Behaviour for Learning Programme’ also includes preventive strategies and early intervention approaches for all students i.e. NBSS Level 1 support.

St. Aidan’s Back on Track Supports.
  • Belonging Plus. School Induction Programme “Belonging Plus” which helps students settle in school delivered to all 1st Years
  • Behaviour Plans – Each student has an individual student plan which is strength based and focuses on student’s targeted needs.

The plan is a collaborative piece of work between the student,teachers and parents/guardian. It is supported by School Completion, Chaplain/Care Team, Home School Liasion Officer , Management and other outside agencies if needed ie. Lucena and Neps

  • Check and Connect -Daily check in with students supporting them with time keeping/equipment and any other needs.
  • Behaviour Support Cards – A card with identified targets and scaling and teacher feedback helps support student’s behaviour throughout the day.
  • Rapid Reading Programme – A targeted reading intervention programme which increases the reading age of students. Students can better access the curriculum having participated in this programme.
  • Catch up Literacy - Improves reading age the reading age of extremely weak readers.
  • Accelerated Reader - Improves reading age of the readers and is linked with our JCSP library.
  • Alert Programme – An evidence based, highly effective programme that teaches students strategies which help them to self regulate throughout the school day.
  • Mangahigh maths programme- Helps to improve maths age through interactive games.
  • The Why Try Programme - teaches students critical social and emotional skills required for success in school and life after school. The programme also provides the students with strategies and tools to help change patterns of failure and indifference. It has proven to be highly effective at impacting negative student behaviour.
  • Movement Matters - an individual, intensive movement based programme. It was designed to particularly support and develop the behaviour for learning skills of those students who present as inattentive, fidgety, hyperactive and/or restless in class. Three week intensive support through exercise.
  • Exercise Cross Trainer Machine- Students can have access to the machine to help them self regulate so as they can go back to class and stay on task.
  • Working Things Out - promotes strategies to help students through relationship building at home and in school with their parents.
  • Anger Management – “ Taming Anger” Helps students understand anger and coping strategies to deal with hurtful anger.
  • Catch Up Numeracy - Improves maths age.
  • Language Enrichment Programme - Increases vocabulary using mind maps and promotes the development of oral language skliis.
  • Social Skills Programme - Builds confidence and self esteem and promotes social emotional literacy skills.
  • Speech and Language Wordsworth Learning - Suited to students with speech and language difficulties.
  • Hand Writing Skills – Promotes better hand writing and helps prepare students for the junior cert. written exams and encourages pride in their hand writing skills.
  • Concentration Skills and Visual Memory Skills – “ Look Listen Think” exercises help to increase concentration levels.
  • Organisational Skills-Helps students to organize their books and equipment and follow their timetable.
  • Study Skills - exam preparation,test papers.
  • Curriculum /Subject Support - Interventions to help students cope with class subjects.
  • Restorative Practice- Resolving conflicts easily and effectively when they arise.

Feb 24
School reopens
Mar 06
P/T Meetings,3rd/6th Year.
Mar 17
St.Patrick's Day/Discretionary School Day Off.
Mar 31
Senior Cycle Development Day
St Aidan's Community School,
Dublin 24,

01 452 4677

© 2025 St Aidan's Community School