Agreed Reports BOM 2024-2025
10-09-2024: 373rd meeting of the BOM took place.
- Preceded by finance sub- committee @ 5:30
- The board elected Mr. Keith O Connor as the chairperson of the BOM
- Minutes of meeting 372 were adopted by the board. There were no matters arising.
- Financial statements from May/June/July/August 2024 were presented to the board and adopted.
- Loreto Education Trust Board has ratified a new constitution and ratified a new CEO
- Charity regulator annual reports have been submitted.
- Completion letter for additional accommodation received.
- Consultants and contractors have been appointed for school security project
- All trips/outings approved by the board.
- Additional accommodation project for second autism classroom and classroom reconfiguration project has been completed
- Security fencing, vehicle barrier and new porch has commenced.
- Emergency works to replace school water tanks has been approved
- School heating improvements approved.
- Emergency works roof project still being assessed
- Additional accommodation building project design team have been appointed and surveys have been carried out.
- An assistant principal 1 position will be advertised. It is envisioned that two permanent and two acting AP2 positions will be advertised following this process.
- All new appointments over the summer months were ratified by the board (eleven)
- Anti-bullying policy and yearly checklist was approved and adopted by the board.
Child safeguarding:
- The child safe guarding statement and risk assessment checklist for 24/25 was adopted and approved by the board.
- The child protection oversight report was approved and adopted by the board.
- Bullying oversight report was presented to the board.
Board oversight & governance:
- DEIS improvement plan and progress checklist adopted by the board.
- Suspension procedures adopted by the board
- Croke park hour’s yearly calendar adopted by the board.
- Admissions notice adopted by the board.
- Statement of strategy on school attendance adopted by the board.
- Board standing orders agreed.
- Finance subcommittee for the year 24/25 appointed.
- Board confidentially report and agreed procedures agreed.
- The DLP Kevin Shortall and DDLP Una Moloney were ratified by the board.
Principals report:
- New school food provider has been appointed
- School graduation will take place on the 22nd of the 5th 2025
- School transfer day will take place on the 20/11/2024
- Aidan’s C.S. will present at the 20th anniversary of the NCSE
- Digital payments are now possible for parents/guardians in St. Aidan’s
- Admissions continue to rise in the school and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
- Transition year is now up and running the school, full class group and is running very well. Directed by Mr. S.Casey
Dates for next BOM meetings:
- 10.2024
- 11.2024
- 12.2024
- 02.2025
- 04.2024
- 05.2024
22-10-2024: 374th meeting of the B.O.M. took place.
- Finance subcommittee met beforehand
- Minutes of meeting 373 were read and adopted by the board there were no matters arising.
- Financial statements for September 2024 were presented to the board and adopted.
- Emergency works reconfiguration account closed. Emergency works building projects initial design presented.
- September/October returns have been completed.
- CEO of Tallaght hospital will visit the school
- Contact between school and south Dublin county council regarding campus development and partnership has been initiated.
- All trips approved by the board.
- Work is coming to completion regarding school safety systems Wi-Fi wiring.
- Work is almost concluded on school barrier, fencing and porch.
- Architects for additional accommodation building are ready to present their initial design.
- S Casey was appointed to an AP1 position in the school.
- Two permanent and two acting AP2’s will now be advertised.
- The board appointed two teachers and three SNA’s
Child Safeguarding:
- Child protection and bullying oversight were presented and approved by the board.
Principals Report
- Details of the death, funeral arrangements and school response regarding 5th year student Kayden Kinsella were shared with the board.
- The board will hold a minutes silence at its next meeting.
- The NCSE are making a promotional video about the school’s SPOTLITE programme.
- Updates regarding the TY programme were shared with the board.
- A committee to organise the school 40th anniversary has been formed and will be chaired by Michelle Murphy.
Date of next meeting: 26/11/2024
26-11-2024: The 375th meeting of the B.O.M. took place at 6 p.m.
- A minutes silence was held before the meeting in memory of Kayden Kinsella 5th year student.
- Precede by the finance subcommittee @ 5:30
- Minutes of meeting 373 were circulated and adopted by the board. No matters arising.
- Financial statements for October 2024 were put forward and adopted.
- Emergency works draw down letter regarding heating repairs received.
- Communication from ASTI & TUI regarding senior cycle protests.
- Communication from Councillor G. Moore received by the board.
- All school trips/outings approved.
- Tender report finalised for water tank replacement
- Architects will complete a redraw of school entrance and present to the department of education for approval
- Four AP2 posts were appointed by the board. They are Ms. Lorraine Scanlon, Ms. Suzanne McVicker, Mr. Michael Bible & Ms. Marguerite Halpin.
- One teacher and one SNA position appointed by the board.
Child Safeguarding:
- Child protection oversight and bullying reports were presented to the board and approved.
Principals Report:
- Chairperson shared details of corporate sponsorship for digital room in the school.
Principals Report
- 260 students, teachers SNA’s & parents visited the school for the open day 20/11/2024.
- NCSE promotional video for SPOTLITE programme was filmed over two days.
40th anniversary:
- Dates have been selected by the committee for various events for the anniversary. Will be shared in due course.
- Erasmus plus programme 2 teachers and 4 students visited school in Romania.
- The board gave approval to the principal to explore possibility of opening two further autism classrooms in the school year 24/25.
Date of next meeting changed to 17.12.2024
Minutes of the 376th meeting of the BOM: 17-12-2024
- Preceded by finance sub- committee @ 5:30
- The board elected Mr. Keith O Connor as the chairperson of the BOM
- Minutes of meeting 375 were adopted by the board. There were no matters arising.
- Financial statements from November 2024 were presented to the board and adopted.
- Final draw down of 15% of electrical works emergency project.
- A request for the president of Ireland to visit the school has been recognised by the president’s office.
- A grant of 37 thousand euro has been received by google.
- Author Alan Nolan wrote to the board congratulating the school and students on the Erasmus plus trip.
- All trips approved by the board
- Application has been made for two temporary autism classrooms.
- One new teacher has been appointed by the board.
Child safeguarding:
- Child protection and bullying oversight were presented and approved by the board.
Principals report:
- High achievers event will take place 30.01.25 to recognise 7 students who achieved 550 points in LCE or distinction in LCA.
- Erasmus book launch took place with students from the 4 other European schools
- School variety show took place
- Board congratulated students and staff for their involvement
- Information leaflets/Newsletters from the autism classroom and transition year programme were commended by the board.
- S.Casey will coordinate EAL interventions for students as part of his AP1 post.
Date of next meeting 4th of February 2025.
BOM Agreed Report, Tuesday,30/5/23, @1800, Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee o the BOM
- Minutes of previous meeting, read and accepted. Finance Committee met before the BOM. Accounts read and accepted.
- Child protection oversight was conducted and a bullying checklist was completed.
- Reports given on recent visits to the school in particular our visit from The Minister for Education, Ms.Norma Foley.
- Updates on ongoing building and work in the school.
- New floors to be completed over the summer. Toilets completed.
- Roof replacement in progress.
- New BOM is to be convened, Principal contacting relevant parties.
- Incoming numbers revised upwards due to an increase in demand for places in our school.
- Post Holders reviews completed.
- Further details of Transition Year discussed.
- Next meeting to be arranged by the incoming BOM.
BOM Agreed Report, Tuesday, 25/4/23, @1800, Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee on the BOM.
- Minutes of previous meeting, read and accepted. Finance Committee met before the BOM. Accounts read and accepted.
- Minister of Education, Ms.Norma Foley, Visit- Upcoming visit and itinerary for the Ministerial visit on the 26/4/23 was discussed.
- Noted the amount of positive work being carried out in the school.
- The School was awarded the PDST National Literacy Award. “Readers for Life” was awarded to us as we were granted the “Well Read” award in 2018. A massive achievement.
- Work on the appointment of new Board will commence as term of the outgoing Board approaches.
- Building updates were provided. There are several summer and emergency works projects ongoing at various stages. The provision and maintenance of high quality buildings and facilities remains a high priority for the Board.
- Child protection oversight was conducted and a bullying checklist was completed.
- As student numbers in the school continue to rise, allocation and additional staffing resources proposed by the Department of Education were discussed.
- Recruitment processes for the 2023/4 school year will commence and post reviews will be conducted.
- A school transfer day for incoming first year students will take place on 10th May 2023.
- Next Meeting , Tuesday, 30th May @ 1800.
BOM Agreed Report, Wednesday 15th March 2023 @18.00, Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee on the BOM.
- Minutes of previous meeting, read and accepted. Updated Admissions Policy ratified and corrections highlighted.
- Matters arising- School has switched from Ulster Bank.
- Suspensions down nearly 50% on the same selected period (quarter1) from last year.
- Finance Committee met before, accounts passed.
- Ongoing issues with the building explained.
- The amount of positive endeavours being carried out in the school on a daily basis was highlighted in the Principal's Report, the Spotlite Programme was mentioned. School was selected as a showcase to address the AJP.
- All policies updated and will be ratified by the BOM over the next few meetings.
- BOM will meet again twice before the end of the academic year.
BOM Agreed Report- Tuesday,31/1/23 at 6pm- Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee on the Board.
- Minutes of previous meetings read and accepted.
- Some changes regarding BOM meeting protocol have been introduced following recent training.
- Finance Statement read and accepted.
- Terms of Reference for the financial sub-committee to be amended at the next meeting.
- Update to the BOM on the current building works, the Board visited the toilets to see the progression of the project.
- Oversight Report on Child Protection and Bullying was completed.
- Application for school year 23/24 closed.
- Upcoming "Transfer Day" discussed.
- Plans for the schools 40th Anniversary celebrations discussed.
BOM Agreed Report- Thursday 15th December 2022 at 6pm,- Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee on the Board.
- Minutes of previous meeting/ matters arising
- Finance statement, committee met before BOM meeting- details of almost 500,00 euro in additional funding provided to the school for toilet refurbishment and engineering/technology room upgrades.
- Health and Safety- Ms.Elizabeth Sheehan will co-ordinate Health and Safety guidance as part of her AP2. She has also taken over the role of ACE Co-Ordinator.
- A revised bullying policy and and plan is being coordinated by Ms.Catriona Abecia.
- Principal’s Report
- A parents evening for Ukrainian parents took place.
- The school has engaged with PDST as part of a pilot for review & renewal of the DEIS plan. The awarding of Tallaght Person of the Year to Principal Kevin Shortall.
ACCS has asked the school to represent C&C schools at a meeting in March 20023 of religious trustees and the ETB regarding the future and benefits of the community school model.
The ongoing work of the school regarding Student Voice & its engagement with ACCS, CDI & DCYA
The schools recent elevated placement on the annual feeder schools list above several other local schools.
The recent visits of ACCS general and assistant general secretaries and Loreto Education Centre Personnel.
The recent visits of ACCS general and assistant general secretaries and Loreto Education Centre Personnel.
The student council podcasts on Spotify.
- The annual Christmas hamper event.
- Board of Management individual training scheduled for 17th January 2023
- AOB/Agreed Report, next meeting 31/1/23 @ 1800.
- The student council podcasts on Spotify.
- The annual Christmas hamper event.
- Board of Management individual training scheduled for 17th January 2023
- AOB/Agreed Report, next meeting 31/1/23 @ 1800.
BOM Agreed Report- Tuesday 8/11/22- Stephen O'Brien, Teacher Nominee on the Board.
- The minutes of the previous meeting read and passed.
- Our Admissions Notice which has been agreed and published. New dates are as follows- Open, Friday 18/11/22, Close, Friday, 20th Jan 2023.
- Our Admissions Policy will be reviewed with admission to ASD/Special Class in mind.
- Our current Code of Behaviour will be reviewed with specific amendments to certain areas.
- Building- Toilet refurbishment,November 2022. A series of upgrades regarding the school building and campus are being discussed and actively pursued.
- Appoinment of new teachers ratified.
- Increase enrolement and teacher allocation is now in place.
The Board discussed the issue of Bullying in terms of: Any cases reported, protective factors and action, and individual or collective actions and responses depending on any case or need arising as is required at every meeting.
The Board reviewed and completed the child protection mandated report which is required at every in person meeting.
- Next Meeting, Thursday 15/12/22
BOM Agreed Report- Thursday, 22/9/22- Stephen O’Brien, Teacher Nominee on the Board.
- Minutes of previous meeting, matters arising.
- Financial Statement (finance sub Committee met at 17-30)
- Building/Equipment- The school is engaging with the Department of Education, politicians and other concerned parties to complete many school improvements and additions. An overall plan for the future of the building and campus is being formulated.
- Strategic Plan- The Board proposed the development of school strategic plan at its May meeting. Mr. Stephen O Brien will lead this work and the Board has agreed on 6 key areas to work on over the next 5 years. They are: The Building, Digital Strategy, School Programs, Wellbeing, Student Voice, PR
- Principal’s Report- The principal told the Board of key developments and initiatives in the school relating to, increased enrolment, engagement and partnership with outside agencies, wellbeing initiatives, school events, support for Ukranian students & families and new members of staff.
The Board discussed the issue of Bullying in terms of: Any cases reported, protective factors and action, and individual or collective actions and responses depending on any case or need arising as is required at every meeting.
The Board reviewed and completed the child protection mandated report which is required at every in person meeting.
- The next meeting is Tuesday, 8th November, 2022 @ 18-00.